Bollards are essential safety installations that regulate vehicular traffic as well as manage people movements at all kinds of facilities. They are used in a variety of facilities and come in an extensive range developed for specific purposes be it just demarcation for jogging tracks or high-security deterrence against large vehicle crash. They also come in various materials – from shiny stainless steel to traditional cast iron and flexible polyurethane. Each of these bollards has important, yet very different, purposes.
Just like the variety of materials and use, site planning, spacing, and installation of bollards also differ. Here a simple guide to commonly used practices in spacing in common bollard application.

Bollard Spacing based on application requirements

The most important aspect of planning bollard instalment for your facility. They are installed in a row, for visual awareness at parking edges and traffic lanes. Knowing how far apart should bollards be from one another, how does bollard spacing affect security, read on to know more.

Storefront or building protection
Bollards installed in store-fronts are usually built for protecting the property from damage. Steel pipe security bollards are frequently used for this kind of facilities, however, due to their rough aesthetics, decorative bollard covers are used on top to add attractive design features.
In these areas where frequent pedestrian traffic is expected there needs to be adequate spacing between bollard posts for all pedestrians, including those in wheelchairs and motorized chairs to pass. The American Disability Act requires 3 feet distance between each bollard. However, it is not advised to place them more than 5 feet apart.

Educational Institutes
Bollards are an effective way to mark the end of vehicular traffic and the start of pedestrian-only areas at campuses. You can commonly see them around bus areas, parents pick-up points, and entrance gates of the schools
It provides security from unauthorised vehicle entry. Besides, bike bollards come with like parking system to accommodate students and faculty who cycle to campus. Standard bollard spacing of 3 to 5 feet between each post.

Sidewalk safety and traffic calming
Street bollards are a part of a traffic calming strategy at crosswalks and sidewalks. They provide visual barriers to streamline pedestrian traffic and alert moving vehicles that the curb is near. Ideally, bollards should be placed 1.5 feet back from a curb where cars are allowed to park.
They can be installed close to the curb if there is no vehicle parking allowed. they can be installed close to the curb. The distance between bollards should be between 3 and 5 feet, enough to allow for pedestrian traffic and wheelchair access, but close enough to deter the entrance of a vehicle.

Asset protection
When protecting electrical boxes or other utilities to keep vehicles or people at distance and stop tampering. The main goal is to prevent foot traffic, slow-moving vehicles. They are usually painted powder-coated bright eye-catching colours for visibility. If installing on private property, there may be even more flexibility around placement.

Decorative Bollards for Landscapes
Decorative bollards are used in landscapes to mark off areas to discourage entry and enhance the surrounding infrastructure. These bollards are often connected with chains to provide aesthetic value, especially at historical landmarks, and around sculptures, or gardens etc. They protect landmarks and sculptures and are usually spaced closer together since pedestrian traffic need not be considered.

Parking lot safety
Parking facilities mostly use semi-automatic or automatic bollards to guide traffic or partially close facilities. They ensure proper traffic control at parking lot entrances and exits. They offer clear demarcation and separate entry and exit lanes.
In parking lots, bollards are used for lane delineation, for identifying a crosswalk within a parking lot, bollards should be between 3 and 5 feet. While to mark the end of the parking stalls, two bollards are installed for each parking space. The bollards are centred within the width of the parking and spaced between 4.5 and 5 feet apart.
Bollards are a practical solution creating safer urban spaces where pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists can traverse in cohesion. Bollard spacing is just as important as the installation method. In addition to globally accepted practices, site planners and installers need to follow local regulations and site requirements.
Let Stebilex Systems help you
Stebilex Systems supplies fixed, automatic and semi-automatic bollards from leading manufacturers in the physical security industry including FAAC, Armakontrol, and Hormann that feature modern design, fast operation, and powerful deterring power. Stebilex Systems is a leading supplier for bollards and traffic barriers in the Middle East. Get the right solution for your facility at great prices from us, talk to our product team today.
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