Fibaro Nice BiDi-ZWave IBT4ZWAVE

An automation control unit from NICE to control the movement of gates and doors

Get diagnostic information of connected devices apart from the status reports


Compatible with Z-wave as well as Z-wave + controllers and equipped with NICE BUS T4 connection


Life is just better

with Smart Home

When NICE Group acquired Fibaro, it became inevitable to design an interface to integrate the Fibaro system with NICE control units. This dongle makes the plug-and-play integration between the NICE control unit and the Fibaro smart home system possible. It enables the NICE control unit to control the Fibaro devices, report their statuses, and share the diagnostic information.

Like Fibaro devices, the interface is compatible with Z-wave and Z-wave + networks that are popular wireless communication protocols used in home automation. The NICE BD-Zwave is also compatible with BUS T4(Opera) protocol, a wireless communication protocol used by NICE.

The Nice BiDi-ZWave accessory helps to control the movement of gates and doors and sends the status report to the user. Like other Fibaro devices, the NICE BiDi-Z Wave interface can also send diagnostic information regarding the connected devices.

Buy the most unique FIBARO-NICE interface Nice BiDi-ZWave from Fibaro

Highlights of the product

  • Compatible with Z-Wave and BUS T4 NICE protocol
  • Supports Z-wave protected mode
  • Incorporates the latest Z-Wave chip (ZW7)
  • Gathers and shares diagnostic information and status report

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